Love hormones and nutrition

1 min reading time

On the occasion of the 14the With February approaching we decided to give you some useful tips on how love goes through the stomach!

Biological, psychological and social factors connect love with food. Of course, the brain plays a primary role in sexual mood and sexual activity. Neurotransmitters, chemical substances that carry messages to and from the brain, are considered important for the transfer of sexual stimuli. Dopamine and norepinephrine from the first symptoms of love, cause feelings of euphoria, increased heart rate, decreased concentration and loss of appetite.

Neurotransmitters are mainly composed of amino acids, so protein foods (meat, fish, etc.) provide the necessary structural components for their production. Also, an essential component for neurotransmitters are the vitamins of the B complex and especially B6. It is worth noting that some research has shown that antioxidants, ω-3 fatty acids, as well as the amino acid L-arginine play an important role in sexual life. In particular, L-arginine has been shown to increase libido in menopausal women and is considered the "natural Viagra" for men.

Although there is no clear scientific evidence for the effectiveness of certain foods in improving sexual performance and desire, there are some foods that seem to be linked to love hormones.

  • Chocolate: leads to an increase in serotonin in the brain. Dark chocolate (healthy) contains a large number of flavonoids which have a strong antioxidant effect and contribute to the good functioning and health of our vascular-circulatory system. Other ingredients such as phenylethylamine contribute to the release of hormones associated with pleasure
  • Seafood and shellfish: they lead to the production of androgenic hormones (e.g. testosterone) as well as helping to improve the blood supply to the genitals
  • Nuts: they seem to have irritating properties in the female sex
  • Honey: better blood circulation
  • Wine / alcohol: in small quantities it reduces human inhibitions and especially red wine is an excellent source of flavonoids which are antioxidants and improve blood circulation. But be careful because in larger quantities they bring the opposite results
  • Aromatic/ spicy/ hot: increase body temperature and better blood circulation


Finally, it must be emphasized and understood that no food, by itself, can increase your sexual mood and your performance. A daily balanced diet, good physical condition and sufficient sleep contribute, in addition to maintaining a healthy body weight, to a good quality of sex life.


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