Bloating and bloating after the holidays; Tips to relieve!

1 min reading time

Holidays are days when we eat and drink a lot. The fatty meals we consume in combination with alcohol will always bring us some discomfort or bloating. See some tips you can follow to relieve yourself:

  1. Watch out for foods that cause gas:

Some vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, onions, Brussels sprouts and legumes, especially beans, contain an indigestible sugar called raffinose, which is responsible for the gas that causes us.

  1. Avoid too much sodium:

High salt intake can create water retention in the body. Avoid many packaged foods, reduce consumption of fast food and processed foods that are often high in sodium.

  1. Eat foods rich in potassium:

Fresh foods are usually high in potassium. Potassium can help after increased sodium consumption. Prefer: banana, potato, beans, green vegetables, avocado, etc.

  1. Try ginger or chius mastic:

Ginger has been found to reduce gas and stimulate bowel movement. You can eat a slice of ginger or simply chew it, or alternatively try drinking ginger tea after your meal. Mastic is a good alternative to facilitate digestion and relieve unpleasant indigestion and bloating.

  1. Drink teas:

To relieve bloating and stomach rumbling, drink peppermint, peppermint or chamomile tea.

  1. Increase your fiber intake gradually:

If you're not used to eating high-fiber foods often, an increased intake may cause you to feel bloated. So gradually add fiber to the diet.

  1. Avoid alcohol and soft drinks:

Usually the drink will be accompanied by nuts, chips, etc. Therefore bloating will be inevitable. Also soft drinks contain a lot of air in their composition which will make the problem worse.

  1. Drink water:

Bloating is also caused by fluid retention, which occurs when the body is dehydrated. Drink water to hydrate and restore body balance.

  1. Walk:

Walking can help with bloating in a short period of time, as it helps the gas pass through the digestive tract more quickly.

  1. Make sure you have small and frequent meals:

Don't skip meals, as this will slow down your digestive process.

Stelina Vassiliadis

Dietitian-Nutritionist, MSc Medical School, University of Glasgow

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