Foods that will protect us from the cold days of winter!

1 min reading time

October made its appearance and with it the cold began to come. When our body feels cold, it automatically develops protective mechanisms to warm itself. Caloric needs in winter are increased due to a decrease in temperature as the metabolism accelerates. Our diet can help him protect himself against the cold, since there are some foods that increase thermogenesis and help the body produce energy.

The foods that will protect us from low temperatures:

Carbohydrates. Increase your consumption of carbohydrates such as cereals, bread, rice, potatoes and pasta of all kinds that contain complex carbohydrates and provide the body with energy at a slow and steady rate.

Hot soups. Soups warm us because of their temperature, but they also provide the energy required by the body with fewer calories.

Hot beverages. A very good choice for cold winter days, it is a mug with a hot drink. But be careful! Many of the ready-made drinks have a lot of calories. Therefore, choose simple drinks such as coffee (watch out for sugar), tea, teas and avoid those with a lot of milk, sugar and whipped cream.

Legumes. Most legumes are rich in complex carbohydrates and proteins and thus increase the resistance of the body against difficult weather conditions.

Spicy foods and more pepper. The hot ones increase the burns directly producing heat useful for the body. If your stomach can handle it, hot foods will warm you up on cold winter days.

Nuts. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc., are the ideal food to face the cold of winter. They protect us from flu viruses, and because they are a good source of good fatty acids they are fuel for the body to produce heat.

Dry fruits. Raisins, and dried fruits in general (plums, figs, dates, etc.) are a good source of energy and help us against the cold.

Ginger. It contains two substances, gingerol and shogaol, which are responsible for its heating properties.

Green tea : In addition to being a hot drink, green tea also contains catechins which appear to increase thermogenesis.

Spices and seasonings: Cinnamon, coriander and garlic seem to help raise the body's internal temperature.

Beware of alcohol. If you consume a large amount of alcohol you may warm up temporarily, but later the heat loss will be greater. Contrary to what is believed, heavy alcohol consumption creates vasodilation and as a result we get colder more. 

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