Tips for the proper preservation of meat.

1 min reading time
  1. Do not buy fresh meat that is hanging outside the butcher shop and exposed to the sun and insects. Check if it has a stamp and the date of slaughter and expiry.
  2. Buy the meat and products of the latter and after you have completed the rest of the shopping.
  3. After you procure the meat, you transport and store it directly, so that you don't give micro-organisms time to multiply.
  4. You should not keep meat in storage for more than 2 days. It is also good that it is not wrapped in paper, but placed in a suitable container that allows it to aerate, without coming into contact with other food (e.g. in a glass bowl covered with a plate).
  5. Meat wrapped in butcher paper should not be placed on the upper shelves of the refrigerator, as it may drip and contaminate other food exposed below.
  6. The best way to defrost is in the refrigerator, because the low temperature of the refrigerator does not allow the rapid growth and multiplication of microbes. Defrosting in this way can take from 24 to 48 hours depending on the size and type of product. After thawing, the meat can be kept in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. If it is minced meat or chicken, the time is 1 to 2 days. Never defrost meat under hot water.
  7. Do not allow juices from fresh meat and poultry to fall onto ready-to-eat foods either in the refrigerator or during preparation. Do not place cooked foods on the same plate as fresh meat or poultry.
  8. Cook the meat properly. Remember that almost most microorganisms are killed above 60-70°C. So these products are safe when their center has reached 72-74°C.
  9. Finally, when you reheat the meat, make sure it has reached 74°C.

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