Tips to get rid of the "hangover"

1 min reading time

Because of the days many of us may have unfortunately gone a little overboard with the alcohol. So if you have woken up after your night out with symptoms of headache, dizziness and sleepiness, you probably have the first symptoms of a hangover.

The term "hangover" refers to a state of the body in the morning of the next day (after a night of heavy drinking) where it is like being sick. In addition to the usual symptoms (headache, dizziness, drowsiness), we often feel nausea, dyspeptic complaints, dry mouth, heavy eyes, thirst and an unpleasant taste.

Below we will mention some tips on how you can feel better if you find yourself in such a situation.

  • To begin with, it's very important to start drinking fluids when you get home from a night out and realize you've had a little too much to drink. It is important because alcohol causes dehydration and you should immediately start replenishing your body's fluids.
  • The next day start consuming fruits and vegetables that have a high water content and will help hydrate your body.
  • A fruit mixer with a little honey is an ideal food for the morning, since it will calm your stomach and balance your blood sugar levels.
  • The next day's meals should be light, because of the digestive discomfort that alcohol consumption may have caused you.
  • You can have a light soup that is good for your stomach and indigestion, but also for keeping you hydrated.
  • Choose foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, honey, toast and bread.
  • Honey, which is a simple carbohydrate, will help you feel energized and better. Consume some honey 2-3 times a day.
  • Lemon will help you with the feeling of nausea and dry mouth. Put a few drops in some water and drink it.
  • Avoid fatty foods, full-fat dairy, foods that cause digestive upsets, and heavy flavors with spices.
  • Avoid alcohol and colas, as they will put extra strain on your already weird stomach.
  • Drinking coffee is a bit controversial. On the one hand, some claim that it helps them a lot with headaches, but on the other hand, be careful because it has a diuretic effect and can worsen dehydration. Maybe an espresso would help!
  • Opportunity for a walk. The fresh air will invigorate you and definitely make you feel better.
  • If symptoms persist, you may need to see a doctor.

However, the best solution to a hangover is drinking alcohol in moderation. If you didn't achieve this this time, follow the instructions above and watch out for it on your next outing!

Happy New Year!

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