Tips for safe exercise in a cold environment

1 min reading time

As we head into the heart of winter and want at least two more months for the weather to warm up it's good to point out a few things to enjoy the benefits of exercise even in cold temperatures.

Surely most of us would hardly leave the warmth and comfort of our home in such weather conditions. New studies show that exercising in a cold environment when precautions are taken is not only safe but much more effective. Imagine that in Canada and many northern European countries the parks are full morning and evening with people and much lower temperatures. So the most important things to take into account are the following:

First we go out into the cold properly dressed, without that meaning we wear whatever we find in front of us. Two-three layers of clothing that allow the skin to breathe are appropriate, comfortable the most basic and not restricting movement, leggings and thermals are preferable as well as clothing that does not absorb sweat so that you do not freeze.

It is very important not to leave unprotected areas of the skin, especially on the extremities, face, ears and neck. Firstly, because this accelerates the decrease in body temperature, which lowers the body's performance, and secondly, because the contact of cold air with the throat can cause breathing problems. So gloves, a scarf that covers the neck well, good socks are considered essential.

Neuromuscular function is disturbed at low temperatures, so we must constantly stimulate our body. Before, after and during the exercise it is important to hydrate the body either with energy drinks or with water. At low temperatures it has been proven that the human body consumes a greater amount of glycogen due to the fact that it makes a great effort to maintain a constant body temperature.

Finally, it is good to avoid exercising in closed spaces with low temperature due to the risk of injuries, especially to the extremities. We take care of the flexibility of our body by doing a short stretching program because the cold enhances muscle stiffness. We exercise in the cold but not in the cold extreme conditions pose greater risks.

Happy safe and sensible workouts!


Litsioulis Ioannis

Physiotherapist T.E. - Trainer

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