Osteoporosis & yoga

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1 min reading time

Another way to slow down the progression of osteoporosis is exercise. Walking and swimming are beneficial and clearly rejuvenate the body, while pilates and yoga help in the correct posture, lengthen the breath and bring flexibility and well-being.

In yoga we have the ability to find positions (asanas) that are suitable for various diseases associated with osteoporosis such as arthritis and rheumatism.


  1. When there is inflammation of the connective tissue and muscle rheumatism, all the positions can be done as long as the practitioner is not in pain. He should be careful not to aggravate a painful situation.
  2. In the case of osteoarthritis, all the positions can be performed, paying special attention to the affected joints.
  3. With regard to rheumatoid arthritis there are some positions that are beneficial:
  • Lie on your back supporting your torso and pelvis with pillows. Hands to the head. Shoulders on the ground.


  • Sit with your legs crossed (basin on pillows or blankets). Join the palms over the head and bend the torso forward.
  • Sit with your legs outstretched on the ground and fold your torso over your thighs. Support your head with pillows.


  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Down-Dog) with head support.


  • Ardha Halasana (with chair)

Leave your thighs on the chair. Support the shoulders with 1-2 blankets. Keep your torso straight. Let your hands be directed towards your head.


* When you are not suffering, you can practice in all positions.

  1. When the practitioner has spondylitis it is good that all the positions that are made in the correct position are performed with the support of a wall.


Also, the following positions help a lot:

Hero position with front body flexion.

Kneel and leave the pelvis between the heels. Extend your torso and arms forward, also lengthening your waist and chest forward. Leave the forehead on the ground. Stay 20-30 seconds.


Viparita Karani

Lie on the floor with your feet against the wall. Supported pelvis - as middle chest. Hands to the head.


In the case of cervical spondylitis, support on the shoulders (candle) and head needs supervision.

Good lesson!

Rossopoulou Alexandra

Ballet teacher, contemporary dance, yoga and pilates, trained in Great Britain



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